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common categories for obsessive compulsive disorder, OCD

1. Hoarders- One of the most common categories for obsessive compulsive disorder is hoarders. These individuals have a fear that if they throw away anything, no matter how small or unimportant it may be, something bad will happen as a result. The items hoarded are not really needed or even used but the person with OCD can not bring themselves to throw or give away anything.

2. Washers- This is one of the common categories for obsessive compulsive disorder, and it is easily recognizable by the frequent washing that the individual does. Someone in this category of OCD may wash their hands so many times each day that the skin becomes raw, and the fear of contamination is the reason why these individuals wash so often.

3. Doubters- Doubters may also be referred to as sinners, and the OCD comes into play because the person feels like everything always has to be perfect in every way or else they will be punished with something horrible happening.

4. Counters- As one of the common categories for obsessive compulsive disorder counters feel a need to have order in symmetry. These individuals are constantly counting items or arranging things, and they can not stop.

5. Checkers- Checkers are people with OCD who feel a constant compulsion to check things that are considered dangerous, even if they just checked the same thing minutes before. Compulsive thoughts that the oven was left on or that the door was unlocked can become so severe that the individual with OCD may become reluctant to leave the home.