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Studies have shown that teens are keenly aware of their peers, and they are at an age where they want to fit in and be accepted. Substance abuse among teens from peer pressure is highest when the teen does not have positive role models and a sense of self confidence. There are some steps that parents can take which can help their teens abstain from substance abuse and minimize the influence that peer pressure can have.peer pressure, substance abuse among teens

To prevent substance abuse among teens talk to your adolescents about peer pressure, alcohol, and drugs on a regular basis. It may seem like your teen is not listening but your words are sinking in. Give your teenager an excuse and discuss various situations where peer pressure from friends may come into play. Let your child know that they can use you as an excuse to say no, and make the rules very clear so that your teen understands the consequences if these rules are broken. Unfortunately peer pressure is going to happen, and without the right preparation it can lead to substance abuse among teens. Keep the lines of communication open and ensure that your child understands what is expected of them and the risk of alcohol or drug use will be much lower as a result.