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Individual Private Counselling Sessions

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Individual Private Counselling Sessions

This is the Backbone of our treatment program, we know most people do not open up in group sessions. And in order to treat the Roots behind addiction you have to be able to discuss deep private things. This is when 1on1 Counselling is important. That is why we Guarantee a minimum of 4 hours per week with a Licensed Clinical Counsellor. In addition to the many 1on1 facilitated courses and group sessions that we provide.

Private Counselling Guarantee

We believe in one on one therapy so much that we guarantee it. Valiant Recovery Guarantee’s you the most 1on1 therapy in the industry. If you find a Residential Rehab program that offers more personal private therapy in a 30 day program, with a cost of no more than $36,000, we will match and beat there minimum included hours by 10%. (this obviously has to be mentioned before you check in)

If you or a Loved one is suffering from addictions, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, sex addiction and/or mental health issues and you need our help, please call us (877) 958-8247

Testimonials of Valiant Recovery Addiction Recovery and mental Health Program

A Description of the Valiant Recovery Residential Inpatient Treatment Program

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If you need our help, please call us (877) 958-8247

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