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alcohol abuse at Christmas, stay sober at Christmas

1. Make your recovery well known when you accept an invitation, and ask that there are non alcoholic beverages available for you. These can include juices, sodas, sparkling water, non alcoholic eggnog, and many others. If the host does not seem amenable to the request then decline the invitation.

2. Look for holiday events that are sponsored by a 12 step program or recovery facility. Many of these organizations make a point of holding parties and special events during this time of year. Recovering addicts and family members can socialize and enjoy an evening out without any temptation or setbacks.

3. Bring your own beverage if you are not sure that there will be options that do not include alcohol. You can bring a large container of juice or ginger ale to refill your glass from, and no one else needs to be aware that you are not drinking unless you choose to tell them.

4. Be picky about the invitations that you accept and the celebrations that you attend. You may receive many but that does not mean you have to go to every one. You can always claim a conflict with other obligations or use the excuse that you have to finish up gift shopping and other holiday preparations.

5. Get 8 hours of sleep each night and make sure to eat a healthy diet. When you are tired, hungry, or angry you are far more likely to give in to temptation and relapse. By eating a nutritious diet and getting enough sleep you can eliminate two of these triggers and be more successful.