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addiction help, treatment resources

If you need addiction help the following 5 methods can help you reach out and get this help quickly:

1. Call an addiction hotline. There are many hotlines out there to help individuals with varying addiction issues. The professionals who staff the addiction hotlines know where to call and who to contact for the assistance and help that you need. There are many addiction specific treatment programs, as well as those that treat many or even all forms of addiction in a single program or facility.

2. Look up addiction treatment centers and programs online. The Internet will reveal many pages of search results for addiction treatment. An online search can be a great way to identify programs and facilities that can offer the help you are looking for to deal with your addiction issues and problems.

3. Talk with family and friends. You may be surprised at the information that friends and family members can offer. Family members may have already researched addiction help because of your specific problems, and friends may known others who had an addiction and who sought professional help for these issues.

4. Discuss the addiction with your family physician. Your family physician can be an invaluable source of information and assistance when dealing with addiction. The physician can provide treatment options and help you make the right decisions in your specific case.

5. Call an addiction counselor or mental health expert. These professionals understand where addiction help can be found and they can give you names and treatment options to deal with your specific addiction.