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recovery holiday tips, ways to avoid substance abuse

1. When you start to feel stressed take a hot bath and soak. This can help release tension and will relax you, making you less likely to cave in to temptation. .

2. Stay well hydrated. Drink plenty of water, juices, and non caffeinated beverages. Ginger ale and 7 up are both very popular with those who do not want to give in but who also do not want to be noticeably different during toasts and meals.

3. Go to bed early. When you get the sleep that you need you are more focused and can resist giving in more effectively.

4. Limit the events attended. Avoid trying to over do it. Try not to attend more than one or two events each week.

5. Go to an AA gathering or other 12 step meeting. This will reinforce the importance of sobriety and keep you from falling off the wagon.

6. Talk to your sponsor frequently. If you do not have a sponsor then talk with someone who is supportive of your goals.

7. Count your blessings. When you are tempted to relapse stop and think about everyone who loves you and everything that you will be throwing away.

8. Avoid any events where alcohol is the only beverage option. You do not have to say that you are in recovery, you can simply make up an excuse so no one gets hurt feelings.

9. Stay in for New Year’s Eve and have your own party. This allows you to control the foods and drinks served and makes it easier to avoid any potential relapse.