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Doctors and Physicians Struggling with Personal Addictions

Doctors and Physicians Struggling with Personal Addictions

Treatment For Doctors Struggling With Addiction

physician, substance abuse, doctor, professionalPhysicians with substance abuse problems are much more common than many people may believe. Statistics show that doctors struggling with addiction make up 8%-15% of all physicians, and these medical professionals need treatment that is specialized, because of the unique circumstances and easy access to drugs. The highest rate of substance abuse among medical professionals occurs among those who specialize in emergency medicine and anesthesiology, but even general practitioners and pediatricians are not immune to this issue. Often the substance abuse may start small, and the doctor may justify the drug use, but then the problem can start to interfere with patient care or affect the life of the physician and those around them.

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Treatment For Doctors Struggling With Addiction

Physicians with substance abuse problems are much more common than many people may believe. Statistics show that doctors struggling with addiction make up 8%-15% of all physicians, and these medical professionals need treatment that is specialized, because of the unique circumstances and easy access to drugs. The highest rate of substance abuse among medical professionals occurs among those who specialize in emergency medicine and anesthesiology, but even general practitioners and pediatricians are not immune to this issue. Often the substance abuse may start small, and the doctor may justify the drug use, but then the problem can start to interfere with patient care or affect the life of the physician and those around them.

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Help For Physicians Struggling With Addiction

Physicians struggling with addiction may face unique issues and concerns when it comes to receiving treatment. As a medical professional there are many stresses and pressures faced every day, and in some cases this can contribute to an addiction. Physicians struggling with addiction may also have licensing and patient concerns, and worry that someone will find out about the substance abuse. The statistics show that physicians struggling with addiction are common, much more common than many people believe. As a physician it is sometimes easier to hide the signs of substance abuse for a longer time, but eventually the addiction will ruin your career, your reputation, and your life if you let it.

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Doctors Struggling With Addiction Face Unusual Challenges And Considerations

Doctors struggling with addiction are much more common than most of the public realizes, and there are unusual challenges and unique considerations when a doctor has addiction. If you are a physician who has addiction issues you may be worried about admitting this problem. Doctors struggling with addiction worry about losing the ability to practice in their chosen field, and reputation also plays a big part in refusing to admit help is needed. Physicians deal with high levels of stress and enormous responsibilities on a daily basis, and as many as ten to fifteen percent of physicians are doctors struggling with addiction in some form. This may be alcohol, drugs, sex, or some other harmful compulsion.

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