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Luxury Substance Abuse Treatment Offers Better Results For Professionals

Luxury Substance Abuse Treatment Offers Better Results For Professionals


Kelowna substance abuse rehabilitation, luxury treatment, luxury rehab, treatmentFor many professionals substance abuse treatment is needed, but there may be a number of factors that are involved in this decision. Individuals who are prominent in the business world may be leery of exposure concerning their substance abuse, or they may have concerns regarding the services or accommodations available in the typical addiction treatment center. Many of these facilities hold large numbers of clients from all social and economic levels, including criminals and possibly violent individuals. The types and length of treatment may also not be ideal, because many centers have long waiting lists and try to get individuals through the program as fast as possible.


A substance abuse treatment program that offers much higher rates of success for those who have the available resources are luxury treatment centers. These facilities charge a higher cost, but in return there are many more benefits and the program is much more effective at dealing with all of the issues related to the substance abuse. There is no quick fix or fast track to substance abuse treatment, and for this to be successful and permanent extensive counseling and individual therapy are needed. Many facilities can not afford to offer this option because of the staffing levels required and the costs involved, but luxury centers like Valiant Recovery are designed to include these components as a core part of the recovery program.


The meals and nutrition offered are another aspect of any alcohol abuse rehab center. Foods that are nutritious and healthy cost more than what many facilities have available in their budget, so substitutions are made that do not have the same nutritional value or taste. This may lead to unsatisfying meals and foods which are not quality. Luxury substance abuse treatment centers offer meals and snacks which are fine dining quality, and the food is plentiful, delicious, and nutritious. Only the freshest ingredients at their peak of flavor are used, for meals and snacks that you look forward to and that help you physically during your recovery.


Luxury drug abuse treatment programs offer better results because of the differences between these centers and those that have lower costs, with fewer amenities and staff. Valiant Recovery offers personalized one on one counseling a minimum of four hours each week, to get to the root of the substance abuse and address the underlying causes of this issue. This is something that is not available at most substance abuse treatment facilities which cost less, and it is needed for effective treatment and permanent results.