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The Differences That The Executive Rehab Program At Valiant Recovery Offers

The Differences That The Executive Rehab Program At Valiant Recovery Offers


British Columbia drug and alcohol rehabilitation The Differences That The Executive Rehab Program At Valiant Recovery OffersAn executive rehab is a concept that not many facilities can put into play, because of the costs involved in this type of program. Executives have very specific needs and standards, and a typical rehab can not meet these. Valiant Recovery offers an executive rehab program that may seem expensive, but when all of the components are broken down it is quickly understood why the cost is so high. Executives and others in a position of power and responsibility have high amounts of stress, and alcohol or drug use may be seen as a way to unwind and relax. An executive rehab program that actually works and results in a life long sobriety requires intensive individual counseling, as well as the tools needed to cope and keep stress and anger levels low.


The executive rehab program at Valiant Recovery was developed because of the need for top quality luxurious substance abuse treatment. Any individual used to the finer things in life will quickly determine that a typical rehab is not the right choice, because of the high number of patients, small staff, and treatment methods that are not very effective. The executive alcohol rehab that we offer is a completely different experience, with beautifully furnished and decorated facilities, a large and compassionate staff of substance abuse professionals, and an intensive treatment program that will eliminate the contributing factors that cause your substance abuse issues.


Our executive rehab program offers fine dining experiences, equestrian therapy, art, nutritional classes, physical fitness goals, and the most effective treatment methods and techniques that money can buy. Spiritual counseling is another benefit that our executive rehab program offers that most rehabs do not. Often substance abuse is caused by spiritual and emotional wounds that are not visible, and these wounds fester below the surface. The executive drug rehab program at Valiant Recovery is intended to open these wounds, and allow them to finally heal completely. This greatly reduces any relapse risk once you are done with the program.


We understand the devastation that alcohol or drug abuse can cause, not just in your life but also in the lives of everyone who cares about you. Our executive rehab is intended to give you back the life you had before drugs or alcohol took over, and allow you a recovery that lasts. Help is available, and your treatment and recovery is our top priority. We offer an executive rehab program which is proven to work, and if you are serious about addiction treatment isn’t this exactly what you are looking for?