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This terrible feeling you likely experience the next morning we often refer to as a hangover.

However, new studies show that the effects of that boozy binge the night before might go beyond the hangover and last longer than you think. A study done at the University of Bath and published in the journal Addiction highlights that the day after a binge drinking session, impairments in cognition were still seen the day after, despite there being little to no alcohol left in their bloodstream.

The study also highlighted how overall individuals who were hungover still demonstrated poorer psychomotor, attention, and memory skills, including speed and coordination compared to when they were sober. Researchers findings suggest that these poorer performances also have important implications when it comes to activities such as driving. While most individuals wait until they believe the alcohol has been eliminated from their system to drive, the results of this study suggest that individuals could still be impaired in terms of the cognitive process required for driving, even though alcohol has been eliminated from their system. Additionally, researchers warn that while employers have clear policies in place regarding intoxication at work, very few cover the effects of alcohol the next day.

Hangovers are the most commonly-reported negative side effect of drinking alcohol and are estimated to cost billions a year in absenteeism. However, there has been little research done up to this point examining the effects of a hangover on the job.

Senior author of the study, Dr. Sally Adams added: “Our findings demonstrate that hangover can have serious consequences for the performance of everyday activities such as driving and workplace skills such as concentration and memory.

“These findings also highlight that there is a need for further research in this field where alcohol hangover has implications at the individual level in terms of health and wellbeing, but also more widely at the national level for safety and the economy.”

Drinking alcohol can cause an array of side effects. It is important to be aware of these side effects and how they can impair your everyday tasks and abilities.