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1 on 1 individualized counselling and talk Therapy for substance abuse

Why does Valiant Recovery offer the highest amount of personalized counselling in our residential addiction recovery programs?

addiction treatment, individual counseling

When it comes to addiction treatment there are many different types of programs and facilities, and some will offer individual counseling sessions while others rely mainly on group counseling instead. Individual counseling has been shown to be one of the most effective methods used in order to provide addiction treatment but this method comes at an additional cost.

Group therapy does have benefits and should be included in any addiction treatment program, but it is also important that individual counseling is also offered. Every individual will have various reasons for their substance abuse. Group sessions may not delve into the specific reasons for the substance abuse, and this can leave the individual without the needed insight and resources to gain a permanent recovery. In order to overcome the addiction all of the contributing causes must be uncovered and addressed, and this can only be done one on one.

Programs that offer individual counseling will typically cost more because of the higher expense involved, but in many cases repeat addiction treatment will not be needed as a result. In the individual sessions a therapist will work with you to discover why the substance abuse and addiction occur, and then work on eliminating these hidden problems. This eliminates the need to use drugs or alcohol. Often substance abuse is an attempt to cover hidden pain or trauma, or to fill a void inside. Individual sessions can help the patient work through these issues in a private setting and with complete confidentiality. There is no embarrassment or concern about what others in the group will think, and that means recovery can occur faster and permanent results can be achieved.

Individual Private Counselling Sessions

This is the Backbone of our treatment program, we know most people do not open up in group sessions. And in order to treat the Roots behind addiction you have to be able to discuss deep private things. This is when 1on1 Counselling is important. That is why we Guarantee a minimum of 4 hours per week with a Licensed Clinical Counsellor. In addition to the many 1on1 facilitated courses and group sessions that we provide.

Valiant Recovery Helps with the Roots of Addiction:

Valiant Recovery offers our clients the most individual private therapy in the industry.

Individual counselling has been shown to be one of the most effective methods used in order to provide addiction treatment but this method comes at an additional cost.

Group therapy does have benefits and should be included in any addiction treatment program, but it is also important that individual counseling is also offered. Every individual will have various reasons for their substance abuse. Group sessions may not delve into the specific reasons for the substance abuse, and this can leave the individual without the needed insight and resources to gain a permanent recovery. In order to overcome the addiction all of the contributing causes must be uncovered and addressed, and this can only be done one on one.

Dependent on the program chosen:

We offer between 16- 48 private sessions per month.

We help the family with 2-6 family counselling hours included.

We offer between 4-10 After Care counselling hours to our Alumni.

Private Counselling Guarantee

We believe in one on one therapy so much that we guarantee it. Valiant Recovery Guarantee’s you the most 1on1 therapy in the industry. If you find a Residential Rehab program that offers more personal private therapy in a 30 day program, with a cost of no more than $36,000, we will match and beat there minimum included hours by 10%. (this obviously has to be mentioned before you check in)

If you or a Loved one is suffering from addictions, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, sex addiction and/or mental health issues and you need our help, please call us (877) 958-8247

Testimonials of Valiant Recovery Addiction Recovery and mental Health Program

A Description of the Valiant Recovery Residential Inpatient Treatment Program

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If you need our help, please call us (877) 958-8247