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Should A 12 Step Program Be Included In Substance Abuse Treatment?

12 step program A common misunderstanding is that a 12 step program is for outpatient substance abuse treatment only. Many rehabs which offer inpatient residential treatment offer a 12 step program, along with a combination of other therapies and treatments. Every rehab will have different treatment options and it is important to find a facility that is right for you. This means looking for a program that includes the 12 step program because of how effective this type of therapy can be. Sobriety does not happen overnight, and the steps involved can help anyone move closer to a full recovery. These programs emphasis that there are things in life which can not be changed, and acceptance is essential in these matters. The spiritual aspect of a 12 step program can help make a complete recovery possible and much more likely.

Another area where a 12 step program is very effective is at making the individual see what the substance abuse is doing, not just to them but also to friends, family members, and anyone else who cares about the person. Spiritual wounds are often the hardest to heal because these wounds are not visible, and they fester inside and contribute to substance abuse. Whether your budget will allow inpatient residential substance abuse treatment, or you must make do with outpatient options, a 12 step program can give you invaluable results. When combined with individual counseling and group therapy several times a week the results can be a full recovery and a future that is much brighter.