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1. Does Alcohol Or Drugs Interfere With Daily Activities? If substance abuse interferes with your daily life then this is a sign that substance abuse treatment is needed. As the alcohol or drug use continues it gets harder to function normally each day and your substance abuse will start to intrude on your daily life and activities.

2. Does Substance Abuse Interfere With Your Employment? If your drinking or drug use interferes with your job then this is a sign that substance abuse treatment is required. Alcohol use may cause you to be chronically late because you stayed up late the night before, or you may be suspected of drinking or using drugs on the job and this may put your employment in jeopardy.

3. Do You Drink In Secret Or Hide Drug Use? One sign of addiction is hiding your use of substances. Many people drink in a social setting. If you find yourself drinking in private or hiding the amount of alcohol or drugs consumed then this is a sign that you need substance abuse treatment needed, questions to determine treatment needs

4. Is Your Substance Abuse Causing Financial Difficulties? If your drinking or drug use causes financial difficulties then this signals that there is a problem. Substance abuse can be a very expensive habit and you may start neglecting bills and other expenses to afford the alcohol or drugs you want.

5. Is Your Substance Abuse Causing Medical Problems? If you start developing medical problems due to your addiction then substance abuse treatment should be sought immediately. Alcohol can destroy the liver and other organs, and this is also true with many drugs of abuse as well.