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When it comes to relapse the triggers involved may be different for each person, but there are some common triggers that seem to cause problems in a large percentage of cases. You need to determine which triggers may cause issues and then make a plan on how to deal with these factors. Many top substance abuse treatment facilities including Valiant Recovery offer therapy and counseling that address possible relapses and offer tools to help clients cope with these problems. Some of the most common relapse triggers include:

relapse recovery, relapse triggers

  • Being overly tired- When you are tired you are more likely to make poor decisions or give in, and this can lead to using again.
  • Emotional overload- Sometimes you may feel like you are overloaded with emotions, and these are usually negative feelings. Anger, sadness, jealousy, and other negative emotions may provide an excuse to go back to using drugs or alcohol once more.
  • Being overly confident- You may feel like you are invincible, and that nothing can make you slide back into your old ways. This can cause you to do things or go places that you know you shouldn’t, and you could end up relapsing as a result.
  • Hanging out with old friends- Most of the time alcohol and drug users choose a social circle that is accepting of this behavior. Once you are in recovery it is important to stay away from old acquaintances who may try to pressure you into using again.
  • Certain activities and places- Substance abusers have favorite activities and locations, and these can make you want to use again or cause your cravings to intensify. It is better to try and avoid any activities and places that bring to mind your preferred substance in order to prevent a relapse.